Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Cindy thanks for volunteering to do the concept map that would be great...it would be nice if we could all just put our ideas out there and if you wanted just put it all together. I also liked your idea for the project, and Heidies as well. I have actually been in a class when I was younger that did what Heidi was talking about. We had to choose a country and do reasearch on the country and their food, and then at the end of the project my school put on a "country fair" where parents and other classes came and tried the food and learned about the cultures. We also then put out a huge cook book of all the kids recipies, that we gave out. Just some ideas, again not really sure what we are supposed to do with our project ideas, but I am very excited about our topic we all picked, it should be a lot of fun. :D

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