Tuesday, January 19, 2010


After reading chapter 1 and viewing the videos at edutopia.org, I am getting excited about this project!
I have a few thoughts and ideas (they are just bare bones and we can make them as complex as we want - our age group focus would help determine this too) to add...
1) a project where the classroom splits into groups and each group studies a culture or country and researches their food. At the end of the project, each group prepares a dish that is from their culture/country for the class and we have an "around the world" dinner. The groups will havce to not only make their dish, but put together information about the ingredients, the recipe and the significance of that food.
2) other variations of #1 could be things like groups by regions of the US, or groups by season (using foods from that season), or other things similar to...
Just some ideas.....

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