Wednesday, January 27, 2010

My Websites

I think these are the three that I am going to use.... is full of lesson plans and there is a whole section devoted to countries around the world. They may not be FOOD focused per say... but there should be some good supplemental lessons in there to go along with their studies on the countries themselves.

I'm going to keep looking and will post any other website I find that may be useful for us as a group or for others to use...

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

My Websites

Here are the websites I am going to use. If anyone has already planned on using one of these let me know and I will find another one. There are two about cooking, and then I am going to use the Michigan Department of Education website for the GLCE's.,1607,7-140-28753_33232---,00.html

This one is an article about teaching cultures through cooking. I decided not to use it because I think we need a website, but just thought I would share it.

This is a website on project based learning. I know we have an entire textbook about that, but if someone needs another site it might work.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Web Evaluations

Good morning!
Well... it looks like our task for this week is to EACH find three different websites to use for our project. Any ideas on the types of websites we should use?

I am sure there are "kid friendly kitchen" type websites... and cultural education websites as well. Other ideas??

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Hey Guys-For our concept map I will enter the general ideas we've discussed. For the main point, I'll enter a title "Around the World"- I think Heidi mentioned this-I think it's a good name for our project. What does everyone think? From this title, I'll build the concept map connecting these ideas:topic/country, 4th grade, groups, research, paper, presentation, food item/dish, culture, traditions/customs,concerns(financial), country fair, objectives(history,geography,social studies, language arts), resources/materials, standards, and assessment. How does this sound and does anyone have any other points to add? I'll start creating the map and I'll post it to our blog on either Friday night or Saturday. Please let me know of any changes or additions. Thanks everyone!


We can also comment on each others post. Not sure if that will help, but it's just another idea. Then we might be able to keep track of a certain discussion.


I think that we can make it from any perspective that we want. I think part of the project based learning is that the students have the freedom to take the project wherever makes the most sense to them. A teachers perspective would probably be more beneficial for us. Just let us know what you need for the concept map, Cindy. It sounds like we all have ideas, but we aren't really sure what to do with them yet.

The only way I can see that we can organize our blog posts is by labeling them. In the corner of the text box there is an area that says "Labels for these posts." If we start using the label "brainstorming" or "concept map" we can go back and look at all the posts with that label (I labeled the first post I made with "Assignment 2"). I think it will only work if we all use the exact same one. So I'll try, and if it doesn't help oh well!


Michelle - I agree. I think it makes sense for us to do this from a teachers perspective... since we need to learn how to do it as teachers. I too have soooo many little ideas, thoughts, and even thought of a couple "potential issues" we need to work out.... but am not certain at what point we should start noting those?? I'm not very familiar with Blogger, so I don't know if it has the functionality that we can start organizing these things - just to put them out there, and then go back to them as we progress?

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


I am not really sure Cindy if we are supposed to do the project from a kids perspective or a teachers. I think that from a teachers perspective might seem more like something we should be doing but again i could be wrong. I think that we should aim for more of the 4th grade level as well, and I think we could have enough to start our concept map, we have a few bugs to work out but again thats what the map is for. I have many idea to but not sure what exactly is needed so just let me know if more ideas are needed that we can expand on.


I downloaded the Inspiration free trial tonight, so I can start our concept map. I have a question, I'm just making sure... our project, is it from a teacher's perspective(designing a project/lesson plan,etc.) or is it from a student's perspective(actually doing the project/picking a country,learning the culture, and choosing a food from that country)?Let me know your thoughts. Thanks!


I love the idea of exploring other cultures through food. I think there are a lot of great connections to different areas of the curriculum that we could tie in. I like the idea of having a country fair at the end. The students would then have to present an overall look at the culture, on top of explaining what the significance of the dish. I had a couple other ideas, but at this point I think we should just go with this one. I like it and I think it will work well! I don't know how realistic we have to be, but in a real classroom you would have to take into consideration that not all families could afford to buy ingredients to participate. Just a thought...

As for grade level, we have to think about what is appropriate for what we want to do. If we go younger we could definitely simplify it. Unless we go with an older grade, we will have to accommodate for the fact that young students can't work alone in the kitchen. I think fourth grade would be the youngest to try this with. That way we can make it a little more difficult and have more to work with for the project.

Cindy, let us know what type of ideas you need to use in the concept map. I have a lot running though my head but I'm not sure what will be helpful.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Great ideas! I think choosing a country, learning about the culture, and then picking a food to represent that culture is a great project. Like Michelle, I remember doing something very similar to what she did in elementary school, maybe 4th or 5th grade and then having the "country fair" afterwards. I think we decide on a grade level and go from there. I will download the inspiration program and post our 1st rough draft concept map. I think Michelle is right about coming up with ideas and I'll insert them into a concept map. I'm going to watch the video for ideas and get back with you guys tomorrow.


Cindy thanks for volunteering to do the concept map that would be would be nice if we could all just put our ideas out there and if you wanted just put it all together. I also liked your idea for the project, and Heidies as well. I have actually been in a class when I was younger that did what Heidi was talking about. We had to choose a country and do reasearch on the country and their food, and then at the end of the project my school put on a "country fair" where parents and other classes came and tried the food and learned about the cultures. We also then put out a huge cook book of all the kids recipies, that we gave out. Just some ideas, again not really sure what we are supposed to do with our project ideas, but I am very excited about our topic we all picked, it should be a lot of fun. :D


After reading chapter 1 and viewing the videos at, I am getting excited about this project!
I have a few thoughts and ideas (they are just bare bones and we can make them as complex as we want - our age group focus would help determine this too) to add...
1) a project where the classroom splits into groups and each group studies a culture or country and researches their food. At the end of the project, each group prepares a dish that is from their culture/country for the class and we have an "around the world" dinner. The groups will havce to not only make their dish, but put together information about the ingredients, the recipe and the significance of that food.
2) other variations of #1 could be things like groups by regions of the US, or groups by season (using foods from that season), or other things similar to...
Just some ideas.....
Hi there! =)
Has anybody viewed the PBL powerpoint yet? I'm going to do that this afternoon.... maybe we'll get some ideas from that as well. I admit - I'm not really certain how to start off on this. Do we have an age group or class level we are focusing this project on? I haven't seen it in any of the class information as of yet... Cindy - you have some great ideas! I'll try to do some brainstorming this afternoon and post something(s) tonight as well.

Monday, January 18, 2010


Another idea - kitchen activities that are incorporated into lesson plans for a classroom or particular grade level. Just a thought. I'm hoping we'll receive more info on the project.


Hey guys. I can post our first concept map if you want me to. I have worked with Inspiration on another concept map. I think we need to come up with ideas about our topic and include them on our concept map. I'm thinking possibly about how to organize or start up a classroom kitchen/catering for a class. What we would do or what we would need. What do you guys think? Also, we need to post our blog URL address in the blog area of module #2 by our team topic for our assignment #1 this week. I'm not sure if we all do this or just one of us and should we wait to find out about Heidi? Let me know what you think? Thanks!


I am at the same point you are...I know we have to make the concept map for ideas on what to do with our assignment but I have no idea even what kind of project we are supposed to be planning. I also have lots of questions at this point and I wouldnt mind making a concept map but again I have no idea on what to put on it, because I am not sure what kind of project we are supposed to be doing.


Part of our grade for this blog is dependent on us using it for communication. So, I figured I would start by asking about the next assignment. I am a little fuzzy on exactly what needs to be done. We have to make an concept map of ideas for our project? Does that sound right to you guys? I'm not sure what exactly the project entails at this point. I guess we need someone to volunteer to do it because of the 30 day trial. Even though only one person is turning it it are we still supposed to work on the ideas together? I have a lot of questions right now, hopefully you guys have some answers!