Monday, March 29, 2010


Wow guys I cant believe that we are on our last assignment!!!!! Holy cow though this seems like a lot of work though haha.

If you guys know any places to start go right ahead with the ideas because I'm not sure where to start hahahaha


  1. This last assignment is HUGE!! I read through it and I have to say I'm a bit overwhelmed. I have some time today to pick it apart and look at the examples. I hope that will help. lol!!! I'll also go ahead and create the "group gmail account". I'll post that information here after it's done.

  2. ok.... this is going to take a lot of collaboration amongst the group. We will need to incorporate each of our lesson plans (both 1 and 2), our digital stories, our google map, group epals write up, our podcast and our final concept map. We also need to include the websites we used for our web evaluations. We will each have to provide an ADDITONAL 3 websites (details are in the lesson plan).

    We each have to create a minimum of TWO of the pages on the website itself.
    I would recommend we all work together on the introduction page though.

    I think the best way to start is recapping what our topics were for the lesson plans as well as the digital stories (our individual work). Then once we have those all "out there" we can look them over and determine what topics to use for 8 pages that can utilize those items - since they have to "fit in". Any other suggestions??

  3. Heidi I think you are right...this assignment is very overwhelming...but I guess its good that we have 2 weeks. I'm pretty sure that my two lessons plans were on favorite foods of other cultures for the excel one and computer saftey for the other one.

    Maybe we should have a page just for computer saftey.....a page for food/cultures...a page for the food fair....and obviously a title page...I'm not sure what else though...

  4. Michelle - I agree with those... and am not certain what all else. That's why I was thinking we should list out all the stuff we are required to incorporate so we can make sure they fit into the pages.
    * Also - we are supposed to include our podcast, but I'm not sure how to include it as ONE instead of four seperate... should we list those out here - or do you guys want to start a google document to help with organizing? I was thinking along the lines of lists and an outline? It might be easier to "see" than jumping around on the blog.

  5. I think the organization sounds perfect. I will put together a list of all of my assignments. A google document would be fine, or we can post our lists on here. I'm fine with either, just let me know.

    Do you think we will need to meet in person to get all this together? I know scheduling may be hard, but let me know if that is something you guys are interested in.

  6. Hey everyone - I'm sorry I haven't been in contact. I've been really sick. I haven't read over our assignment, which I will. You guys have a great start and I agree with the organization. I will go over my lesson plans and read over the assignment. Talk soon.

  7. Yeah I agree we need some sort of organization...I'm thinking a google document might be best to organize everything of our stuff we need to put on the website...but to use our blog and goodle document to organize the website...maybe the blog just to list everything and say what each person is doing...and then to use the google document to actually organizing it.

  8. ok then... I'll set up a google document tomorrow. I'm short on time today, but am reserving a bunch of time tomorrow for homework so I don't have to do it on Sunday.

  9. I just sent an invite to all of you for the google document. Corey - I think I used your old email though... could you please send me your new one again and I'll get it sent to that one. Thank you!
    You ladies have a happy Easter!

  10. Thanks for starting the document. My new email is

  11. Heidi - Thanks so much for starting the document. I agree, everyone have a happy Easter!

  12. I added all my stuff to the google document...not really sure where to go from here but at least we will all have a common ground and all our stuff will be organized.

  13. Corey - I just sent it to the current email now. Sorry about that!

    ok - in looking over the stuff we have from all Cindy, Michelle and myself, I can see a few themes for pages brewing... . What it kind of looks like to me are that my topics have pretty much been climate and agriculture, Cindy's have been kind of Traditions and traditional foods, Michelles have been sort of current cultural favorites and conducting interviews to get them. Once Corey's are posted we can look it all over and see what kind of topics everybody thinks they see - and then we can divy them up. If we end up where we have each pretty much worked on two topics (even if they blend/overlap) we could even just stick with what we already know - if you guys want. It might make it flow a little better working with information you are already somewhat familiar with??? Just thoughts. Let's see how it works with Corey's topics too.

  14. Thanks for sending me the document, I just posted my information. Should we start posting our ideas for web pages in the document?

    I agree that it would probably help if we stuck with topics we have already worked with. That we already have a lot of the information we need. I did a lot with kitchen safety, so I can take care of that page. I'm not sure what to do for my second one.

  15. Yes I agree with both Corey and Heidi...this way it will be easier to put everything together...I guess what we need to do now is actually start building our pages and then at the end work on the main page together??!!! I think thats whats next? lol Not sure but seems like the next step.

  16. I sent out a email that has a started website from the google website....its just got random information on it but I think all we have to do is use the edit tool to put whatever we think should go on it....just thought we could get it started :D

  17. Yes, I agree with everyone about sticking with topics we have already worked with. Michelle - thanks for getting the website started. I will check my email. I know we each have to create one new idea/lesson. I was thinking about sticking with my topic cultural traditions/holidays and creating a lesson similar to what I did for the excel/graph lesson but instead of researching traditional foods served at holidays in the chosen countries of Europe, I would have students research traditional foods served in our country during holidays, to be used for comparing and contrasting our culture to other cultures. What does everyone think? I know we each have to do 2 pages on the website, do we use both pages for our individual topics we have worked on?

  18. I don't think we can use one topic for two different pages. I think each page has to be a different topic. It seems like we all have a topic for at least one page, but maybe not a second one.

    Cindy-I think your lesson idea sounds great.

  19. I think Cindy's sounds great as well. I'm *thinking* at this time that I might do differing climates and then maybe the 2nd on differeing agricultures and kind of transitioniong.. I'll go look at the website email as well as Corey's stuff on the document later this afternoon. I only had a minute right now - but I wanted check in.

  20. I thought we could use the lessons we already made for the website but I guess I'll have to go back and look...and Cindy that sounds like a great idea...and Corey I agree I think we each have something that we could make one page for but I'm not sure about the second one.

  21. Thanks everyone about my idea for a new lesson. I agree with Michelle and Corey about one page for one topic. I'm not sure about topics for each of our second pages. Heidi- I like your ideas for a new lesson.

  22. guys im starting to panic that we wont finish this by sunday ahh this is just a lot of work lol

  23. OHHHH haha never mind its not due till the 25th whoops

  24. some random ideas....
    Corey - I don't know if you have anything planned out yet, but in looking over your topics it looks like a lot of your stuff was on preparation? You could do a whole page on preparation - combining the preparing for the interview and also picking of the countries. Just a thought.... you also had kitchen safety, which I think we need to incorporate into this somewhere. Is that topic big enough to turn into a whole page?

    If Corey has other topics picked - those might be ones we want to look at either somebody else doing, or melding into another page.

    Also - we need to have the end result - the Food Fair, be a page as well. I'll make some notes on the Doc page.

    Michelle - thanks for setting up the Google website. Hopefully we can get started on our pages soon.... I think choosing the topics for the pages is the hardest part and that is almost done. Also, we DO have to use our previous lesson plans... I don't know if I understood your previous comment or not. We can't make the page BE our previous lesson plans, but she wants links to all that stuff on the website. :( You're right - Lots of work!!!

  25. I agree with Heidi on having a page all about preparation and a page about the actual food project...maybe we need seperate pages on kitchen saftey and internet saftey because those are both very dominate in our group..maybe even a page on conducing a proper interview...idk about that last one just trying to get some ideas out there

  26. I can definitely make kitchen safety an entire page. As for the preparation, I could probably do that. I guess I'm not sure exactly what to put on it. Only because the prep work in my lessons is at two different points of the project. Does that make sense? Anyway, I can take care of those two pages if that is what sounds best to everyone.

    And, yes, we do have to use our previous lessons. But we also each have to make something completely new to put on the site. I don't think it has to be a lesson plan though.

  27. It looks like we have all of our page topics in order then? I put my name by the two that I am planning to do - unless I hear otherwise from you guys. Does everybody agree that those 8 are good? I would like to start working on them asap... the deadline will be here before we know it!

  28. I also put my name next to the ones I would like to do. Michelle, that leaves you with the last pick. If they are topics you don't want to work on you could definitely change them.

    We also have to do a final version of the Inspiration concept map. Is there anything we need to add or change on our current one?

  29. Do we want to keep all of the pages that the template put on there? I was going to delete them, but I didn't know if you guys thought we should keep any. I'm fine with getting rid of all of them and replacing them with ours. I already added mine.

  30. Corey- I don't think we have to keep them. I will add my two pages as well. I don't think we need to add anything to our concept map unless maybe our new ideas(lessons, etc) we our adding to our website. I will look it over and post any comments.

    Also, I have time planned on Friday to work on my pages and our introduction. I will try to have my finished Friday or Saturday, so everyone can look over my stuff and let me know if I need to make changes.

  31. Those two pages sound just fine for mine...i agree with Cindy maybe just add stuff about our new lessons on our concept map...but idk yet ill have to look over it again...and i know we need our pod cast on the website i dont know if we should email it all to someone and then join them together or how we are supposed to go about that....and the old lesson plans that we all did if we should just email the ones we did to the person thats doing that topic bc are they all supposed to be in there or just the new ones we create?

  32. Michelle- I saw that you added your pages on our website. Will you please tell me how you did it, was it adding a page or adding it to the sidebar? I tried adding mine and it created a subpage, which I deleted. Thanks!!

    Also, nice pictures who ever added them to the homepage. Looks great!!

  33. Michelle, when I click on your pages it pulls up the email on my computer, and creates a new message to send to you. I'm not sure if it is just my computer, or if the link is wrong. Will someone else try it out?

    Cindy- You have to create a new page first. Then you go to the sidebar and add it. It took me a while to figure out. Let me know if that helps or if you need more details.

  34. Corey-Thanks for the information. I'm still having trouble. I added my pages but I can't add the titles under the sidebar. Did you go to edit the sidebar and then add an item to the sidebar? It gives you options to choose, what item did you choose? I'm starting to feel like an idiot. I appreciate your help. Thanks!! I did click on Michelle's pages and it did pull up the email.

  35. First you click on edit sidebar. Then once you are there you click on 'Edit' under the second box that says 'Navigation'. That should bring up a box that says 'Configure Navigation' and you should see the pages that have been posted. You click 'Add Page' at the bottom of that box. Your pages should be in a list for you to click on. Let me know if it works!

  36. Corey- THANKS!! I added my pages on the sidebar. I appreciate all your help!!

  37. I have the same problem with Michelles pages.

    Corey - are yours blank other than title? Or.... am I just a bit of a moron? :)

    I have my weekend blocked off for homework and Saturday is designated for this project. I hope to have my two pages done at that time.

    ** Introduction... how do we want to do that as a group?

    ** concept map - we need to make sure that what we have on the map reflects the contents of the website itself. It doesn't take that long to do one... maybe that should be the last thing we plug in? Just a thought.

  38. Hey everyone- I'm going to use our google map we created on my page about choosing a country. I want to make sure that is okay with everyone. It works with choosing a country from the continent of Europe.

    Heidi- I'm working on my pages and hope to have them done by Saturday. I will than work on our introduction page. I was thinking maybe we should include our concept map and our podcast on the home page. What does everyone think? I was thinking that maybe we could write the introduction on our google document because it's easy to edit and all our information about our lessons are on the document and then we could add it to our website. Just a thought.

  39. Cindy- glad it worked for you! And using the google map on your page sounds good.

    And yes, my pages are just blank right now. I just wanted to create them/figure out how the site worked. I will be working on them soon. I have to take the MTTC tomorrow so I am taking it easy tonight, and will probably be wiped out tomorrow. I'm not sure exactly when I will start.

  40. Hey everyone- I completed my pages on our website. Please check them out and let me know what you think and if I need to make any changes.

    I included my 3 websites from our web evaluations and 3 new websites as well as my digital movie. Also, I included a new lesson plan and a new idea about a virtual field trip visiting the continent of Europe for reseaching a country of Europe. I did not include my podcast, I'm thinking we all add it together and decide where on the website, maybe the introduction page. Thanks everyone!

  41. Okay, one thing I forgot to ask- does everyone want to use a team email address or an individual email address that we need to include on our pages? Just let me know what everyone thinks and I will add either one to my pages. Thanks!

  42. Corey - GOOD LUCK!!! And thank you for clearing that up.

    Cindy - I agree about the introduction/home page. Google docs will be the easiest way for each of us to edit and contribute.
    Podcast - yes, I think we are supposed to add them all together to make one?
    My suggestion - team email.
    I'm going to go check your pages out now... and get mine rolling too. Sounds like the map would be best suited for your page as well.

  43. Oops! I just re-read the instructions and realized there is a LOT more "new stuff" we need to include than I originally was thinking. Therefore, I doubt that i will get mine completed today. I will do my best, but in reality - it may be beginning of the week.

    also - I just opened a new Google Doc for the Introduction page..... It's blank - other than the title, for now. But at least we have a place started. I sent out invites, please advise if you did NOT receive them.

  44. Hey guys yeah after reading how to add pages I realized I did mine wrong...I'm hoping to have my two pages done by sunday night or monday night.

    Also I think we should just use a team email for our webpage

    And our podcast we should just choose someone to email them to and maybe they can be added all together there??? I'm thinking thats how it would work.

    Corey...Good Lucky

    Cindy...Way to go with the pages...I'm going to look over them now but way to go on getting them done!!!

    And I'll fix mine lol

  45. Corey I tried fixing my pages by just redoing them...but when I click add a page my page isnt there I dont know how to get the name and page that my subject areas are.

  46. Cindy, your pages look great. One of my lesson plans is about choosing a country, and would probably fit best on your page, or is there a page on prep? Let me know where it can go. It's the one where we had to use excel, and they are interviewing the class about which country they are interested in, and then choose a country at the end.

    I think the google doc will work well for the introduction. It may be a couple days before I get to that, I kind of want to get my pages done first.

    Michelle, you have to click on the "Create Page" button on the top bar. Then you can type in the name. After you do that, you have to go back to the page and click on "Edit Sidebar". Click "Edit" on the second box that says Navigation. From there you should be able to add your page to the sidebar. Hope this helps, let me know!

    I'm going to try and work on mine today, but I'm not sure how much I'll get done. I'll keep checking in!

    BTW, the social studies MTTC was HARD! Not sure if you guys have to take it, but just thought I'd throw that out there.

  47. Corey- Thanks! I think that sounds good adding your lesson to my choosing a country page. I will change..Here is an interesting lesson plan on researching a Here are two interesting lesson plans on researching a country and then put the name of your lesson plan with a link to your lesson. Just let me know the name of your lesson and the url to your lesson and I will make the changes and add your lesson. Does that sound okay?

    I agree about using a team email. Do we have one already? If we do, will someone let me know what it is? Thanks

  48. Cindy, here is the url for my lesson. I just titled in "Country Choices".

    I started my kitchen safety page, let me know what you guys think. I think I'm going to add another website, and maybe a lesson plan.

    Does anyone know how to combine our podcasts? I have no idea how to do that....

  49. how do you guys get the underline thing in your pages...maybe im just an slow learning but i wasnt sure how to do that

  50. Corey- Thanks for your information. I added the lesson to the webpage. I'm not sure how to combine the podcasts. Michelle had a good idea about emailing one person all the podcasts, but I'm not sure how then we combine them. I will look at your webpage, I'm sure it looks great.

    Michelle- I highlighted the words I wanted to link. First, I highlighted the words and then clicked on insert. Next, I clicked on link and than you can enter the url address and click on ok. The words on the webpage then underline to link to that address. I think that's what you wanted. I hope that helps.

  51. Corey I was thinking that my second lesson goes well with your page of the acual conducting the interview..

    Cindy my digital movies goes well with your page too....because its on the exports of Europe

  52. andddd Corey your first lesson plan looks like it goes with mine :) lol

  53. hey guys my page on web safety is done...let me know what you guys think

  54. Michelle- what page do you want me to include your digital movie on? Give me the name of the video and the url address and I can add it. The web safety page looks great!

    Corey- Your page looks great too!! Good job guys.

    I'm starting on the introduction for our home page. I will post what I start on our google document. I was reading everything we need to include on our website and we need to add our epals document. I'm thinking we should add it on the interview page. I can't remember who is working on that page. What does everyone think? Thanks!

  55. Cindy - I agree.... it should go on the interview page. I was looking it over and thought the same thing this morning.

    Should we put the podcast on the introduction page as well?

    Also - we have to have our GLC on the intro page. What format do you guys want to put that in? I have all of mine together and could put them on the doc - but I think we should have the verbage ironed out first.

    One question for everybody - in the instructions it says "each web page needs to contain on or two new items of information not given thorughout the semester" and then next paragraph says "Each group member needs to create one original item". Do you guys think this is an overlapping task? Or should we have three total just to make sure..... I'm trying to wrap mine up and get it posted late today, but am not sure about this one part. =) Thanks!

    It's looking good guys!

  56. Heidi-I like what you added to the introduction. I lost internet connection last night while I was working on it and hadn't added any of the technologies to the page. Thanks!

    I think we should attach the podcast to the introduction page and regarding our GLC I liked that one of the samples they linked to taskstream where all their standards were located. This way we can add all our standards on taskstream just by clicking on them. On our introduction page we could have the link right on the standards. Just a thought.

    I'm not sure about the new ideas. I included one new idea on each of my pages just to be sure,(a lesson and a virtual field trip as preparation) so maybe we just make sure each page has one new idea. Is that what you meant by we should have three total just to make sure?

    I agree it's looking good!!

  57. Michelle, here is the URL for my first lesson plan. Will you post the URL for yours so I can put it on my page? Thanks. Also, your page title says "Research using a interview", it should be "an". Sorry, not trying to be picky, just noticed it today.

    One of my websites from the evaluation was the GLCEs. Do you think we could post that on the introduction page?

    I am a little behind, this has been an overwhelming few days. My pages might not be done until Thursday or Friday. We still have to do a new inspiration map as well. I know I haven't done it yet, so I will take care of it. If you guys could give me some ideas on what to change that would be helpful.

  58. Cindy...I did my digital stroy on European exports so maybe adding to the "choosing a country" page.... here is the url

    Heidi I have been doing what Cindy was doing...just making sure I added new things to each webpage just to cover all the standards because I'm like you and not sure exactly what that means.

    Corey...thanks lol common for me to miss use my english :) here is the url for my lesson plan...and thanks for yours

  59. I also liked the idea about standards just doing them on taskstream and then posting a link to main page....not sure if you guys have figured out how to join the podcasts or not yet but that should probably go on our main page as well...

    My webpage on research for an interveiw page I think is done please look at it and let me know of anymore things I should add because it looked a little bare.

  60. Michelle- thanks for the information. I added it to the choosing a country page. Check it out and make sure it sounds okay. I forgot to look at your page, I will look but I'm sure it looks great. Also, I have not figured out how to join our podcasts.

    Corey- Yes, I think posting your website for the GLCE's on the introduction page sounds great..maybe we can just link to the website and not have to include all our GLCE's we used for lesson plans on taskstream like I mentioned before. That would be great! I will look over our concept map and give any ideas of things to add. Thanks for doing the final concept map!!

  61. I just posted my first page, please take a peak. I will whip out the 2nd one early tomorrow - I got stuck somehow with my page not showing in the sidebar and JUST figured out how to move it. Now that I know what I'm doing, the 2nd won't take long.

    I'll check out the GLCE site Corey noted tomorrow as well and will investigate the podcast merger tomorrow night.... but I'm not sure I know where to start with that.

  62. Hey everyone- I started our introduction page on our website, I noticed everyone liked what we had so far. I included an area for our final concept map and a place for our team email address. Also, I added a place for our names by our team email. I didn't know if we should add the names to the bottom or keep them on top of the page. Whatever you guys want sounds good to me. I'm not sure what everyone wants to do about the GLCE's, I did include a link from Corey's website address. Please make any changes, move things around, or even add whatever you think. I just thought I would get it on our website. Thanks everyone!

    Michelle-I think you found the image for the introduction page. I just need the url address and the name of the website and I can include that information on the page. Thanks!

    Heidi- Your pages look great!!

    One last thing- I was wondering how we wanted our navigation bar to look or I mean the order of the pages to be. I was thinking the order we mention in the introduction...choosing a county, climate/agriculture,cultural/traditions,interview,web safety, kitchen safety, and then food fair. What does everyone think?

  63. Cindy - thanks for taking the initiative.

    On the GLCE's... I don't know if we can get away with that. A) we need the ISTE also, not just the Michigan. B) her instructions say: "The opening page must contain standards that the web site meets and should be taken from Michigan Grade Level Content Expectaions and ISTE: National Educational Technology Standards for Studetns: The Next Generation." And the underlined parts are links to their pages... so I don't think we can just do the same thing. I wish we could!! But I think we're going to have to utilize task stream. If any of you read it differently or see something else that states otherwise, by all means - please point it out. Otherwise, I can get started on the taskstream portion of it.

    I have yet to figure out the podcast linkeage.. but then again, I had a really tough time with that assignment in the first place. If anybody knows how to do it and wants to fill me in on that - it would be appreicated.

  64. OH - and... I went to go set up a "Team gmail account" for the intro page... but am not sure - would our "team concept name" be the Classroom Kitchen? Or our Projects name "Around the World"? Let me know and I can have that done and plugged into the intro page tonight as well.

  65. I just finished my page. I am afraid it is a little to similar to the information on Michelle's page. Let me know what you guys think. Heidi, I agree about the GLEC's. I just don't know where else to use that website, because it also says we have to use all the websites from our website reviews. I used the other two on my page, and have three or four new ones posted. Is there any other way we can fit that one it?

    As for the podcast, I'm not sure. I did mine using the Mac version, so I don't know if that will effect combining them. I also had a really hard time with it, so I'm pretty clueless.

    Cindy, I think re-arranging the sidebar would be good. We should also change the "Mrs. Smith's classroom" and the extra pages up top.

  66. I changed around the sidebar. Feel free to change the titles I made up, or adjust the order. We're almost there....

  67. Corey-Thanks, the sidebar looks good.

    Heidi- I think either name for the team email is fine, whatever you think.

    I was thinking that on the introduction page we should keep the link from the GLEC's because we need to include Corey's website and just add a sentence about the particular content standards our project covered and then link that to the taskstream with both the MI and ISTE standards.

    For our podcast, I was thinking that maybe we copy and paste all our podcasts together. But, I don't know if it will work with different programs or work at all that way. I did my pocast using Audacity.

    Heidi-are you starting the taskstream with the content standards? If not, I can get it started.

    Thanks everyone!

  68. Cindy and Corey - We can use Cindy's idea for the GLCE website link, OR.... we could also plut it in at the end on the "Food Fair" page because I mention on there about variations. I could work it into that. Just an option for if it doesn't come together right on the intro page. :)

    I'll set up the task stream and email this morning then. Just need to down some coffee first to get my brain working. lol!!

  69. our team email address is:

    Password: aroundtheworld

    I have plugged it into the intro page... does it need to go anywhere else?

  70. How do I post the concept map on the blog? I have it done for you guys to look over, I just don't know how to post it. Let me know... Thanks!

  71. Ok - here is the link for the taskstream GLCE's and the ISTE's. All I did was go through the lesson plans in the website and grab them off of everybody's and compile. There were two lesson plans that did not have them though:

    Michelle: Your lesson plan on Web Safety showed now standards

    Corey: the one you pulled off the internet for interviews has no standards listed.

    If you guys want to send me the standards for those, I will add them.

    Please look this over and advise if there are any more I need to add. Thanks!!

  72. Corey - the submission instructions from module #2 on the Inspiration/kidspiration:
    Export it as a .gif. Then you will post in the blog and insert the image in your post.

    Basically - export it to your pc in the .gif format and upload as an image.

    Hope that helps!

  73. Thanks, Heidi! It worked. I'll check out the interview lesson I pulled. It is a general lesson, so it won't have any Michigan GLCE's. Do you think that matters? I put GLCE's in all of the ones that I wrote, but since I didn't write that one I don't think I need GLCE's with it. Let me know if you think I should find some.

  74. Ok I'm going to fix my lesson plan and ill add some standards. I like the team email and I believe that it has to go onto every page on the website...correct me if I'm wrong

    I'm in the same boat with the podcasts, I didnt really understand that assignment well either but I think Cindy is right about just copying and pasting them least I hope shes right lol

  75. Heidi-I think the standards on the taskstream look good. Which ever page everyone thinks to add Corey's standards website sounds good to me. I think either page but maybe the introduction should just link to our content standards. Just a thought..

    Ok, I added our team email address to my pages.

  76. Cindy - that makes sense. Let's just keep it on the intro page then.

    I'll add the team email address in a few minutes to my pages.

    I'll try to paste the podcasts all together tomorrow afternoon. I stres!! I guess I need them emailed to me though? My email is If I can find them someplace else - just let me know.... my brain is a little frazzled at this point in the semester so I may be overlooking that. (sorry!)

  77. Heidi-Thanks for working on the podcast. I really appreciate it. I tried looking at the samples to see how they were done. No luck. I tried emailing my podcast to you but gmail won't accept that large of a file. Do you have another email account to send it to? Thanks!

  78. Ok guys I fixed my pages and added the team emial....Heidi your pages look great!! and I will email my podcast the moment I get home today.

  79. Michelle- did you find the image for our introduction page? If so, can you tell me the name of the website and the url address and I will put it on our intro page. Thanks!

    I was just going thru our intructions and making sure we included everything. Did anyone include our ePals write up?

  80. Cindy - I think our ePals write up would fit best under one of the interview oriented pages because that's where it's mentioned. If it appears there, I didn't see it -but will look again.

    OK - since gmail evidently doesn't like podcast submissions, please try emailing to my yahoo email:

    I won't have time to work on this tonight, but will GET IT FIGURED OUT after all my kids soccer stuff tomorrow (should be early afternoon). I would like to have that done and in the website by 5pm so everybody has a chance to give it the thumbs up or thumbs down. SO - everybody please try to email me your podcast today/tonight so that I can work on it. I have a feeling it's going to take some time to get it right...

  81. Is the ePals write-up our google document? Sorry, I can't remember.

    I will put the group email on my pages as well, and the concept map on the main page. I think my website is fine on the main page, as long as everyone else is ok with that.

    I tried to email my podcast but it says the file size is too big. Any suggestions?

  82. I just sent my podcast and I'll but the place where I got the pictures on the website now.

  83. Corey-I'm having the same problem trying to email my podcast. I'm not sure what to do.

    Michelle-Were you able to send your podcast?

  84. My file size is too big. I can't find an email service that will send anything over 25 mb. I even created a yahoo account to try it there, but it won't work. I also tried WMU. I'm not sure what to do at this point. Can you split the file, and if so, does anyone know how?

  85. The instructions for the assignment say if it is too big to upload it to youtube. I tried this, and it won't work either. I'm getting really frustrated. I even tried to just attach mine to my kitchen safety page on its own, but it says the file size is too big. Help!

  86. I have no idea..... and any of these are too big on their own, how are they going to fit combined?

    This is THE assignment (podcast) that literally had me in tears when i was working on it the first time around. I'm not feeling like this is one of the tools I will try to use in my career!

  87. OK - I posted the standards.... and I have figured out how to combine the podcasts...and it's really very easy. I just need Coreys and it will be done. (I really wish I knew how to help you get it to me!)

    I'll check my email and this blogger as well later either today or tomorrow morning.

    Worst case scenario.... if we just flat out cannot figure out how to get Corey's sent.... should I do it with just the three that I have? And we could send kelsey an email telling her about the problem we have encountered? Suggestions???

  88. Heidi- I think that's a good idea if we can't get Corey's podcast. Just put the podcast with what you have. We have done the best we can, it's not from a lack of trying that we could not get the entire podcast. Thanks again!!

    Corey- I wish there was something I could suggest but I really have no ideas. Sorry!!

  89. Corey I dont know how to do that either...mine worked just there anyway to upload it on here or something idk...we werent really given the best instructions for that part...maybe email the teacher and see if she can be anymore help

  90. I went in and trimmed some of the music out of my podcast so that the file size was smaller. I also had to compress the file, so I'm not sure if it will be compatible. That is the only way it would work though. Heidi, I sent it to both of your emails. Let me know if it works. I will check this again later tonight. If it doesn't work, I will email the instructor.

  91. Good news!! I got it - AND it's compatible!!!

    The only problem I have now is it wants to save it with a "voice logo"... but I will have it worked out this morning yet. We're almost done!

    Other than the podcast - the only other thing I could think of when looking at the website is that maybe we should all synch up our font size? Looks like we have a couple of different sizes out there.

    I'll get the podcast out there this morning as soon as I have this voice logo issue taken care of.

  92. I'm so glad it worked! Sorry I didn't think to trim it down earlier!

    Heidi, I agree about the fonts. I think the font types are different. Do we all want to agree to switch to Times New Roman? It's pretty standard.

    Did we get the ePals write up on there?

  93. Never mind, it is definitely a size thing. I changed mine to 12 pt.

  94. ok - I'll fix my fonts when I upload the podcast. I'm still having issues - I reread the instructions because I cannot save it any way that I have tried without that darned voice logo.... but the instructions say to export - under the file menu. IT'S NOT THERE!! ugh!! I'll keep working on it - but if anybody has any suggestions, please advise and I'll keep checking

  95. I'm "previewing" it now.... assuming it's not too big to upload to the website or youtube, I should have it up within the next half hour on the intro page.

  96. Podcast uploaded!! I had to shorten a LOT of music out of it - it's too big to upload to the website, and YouTube has a 10 minute max... it was 11:16! And then of course Youtube does not allow just audio uploads, so I had to make a Windows "movie" (with just one title screen)... anyway - I hope it's ok the way it turned out because I really had no choice, and have pulled almost all of my hair out on it today! lol!!! My fonts are changed... does anybody notice anything else that is needed?

    Also - as corey asked - ePals (google doc) write up??? I think it fits best under one of the pages about interviews...... so i guess that would be either Corey or Michelle...

  97. I added the google doc to my interview page. I think we are done!

  98. Hey guys-I'm so glad you were able to get the podcast and combine them. Thanks again, Heidi!! My font was already size 12 so I didn't need to change anything.
    Corey-Thanks for including the ePals, I agree that one of the interview pages was the best place for it.
    I don't think there is anything we are missing. So I agree with Corey, I think we are done! Yeah!!

  99. Ok I'm going to check my font but I think it was size twelve already also...and yay we are done!!

    It was great working with you guys this semester!! I'll miss our weekly stressout blogs :D

  100. Looks good to me as well. Anybody in particular want to post it?

  101. Well.... I just went to go post it and see that Corey did so already. Thanks Corey!!!
    I agree with Michelle... it was great working with you ladies! Thank you for all the hard work "getting through" this class and project! =)
