Tuesday, March 16, 2010

ASSIGNMENT X - Collaborative Podcast discussion

Happy Tuesday ladies!!

Well, looks like we will have to work very closely on the next assignment, which is due in two weeks. We have to create individual podcasts, but they have to tie into each other so that the instructor can "put them together seemlessly". She suggests that once we each decide what we are going to talk about that we use our blog to share our scripts. I am thinking the first place to start is deciding who will "discuss" or explain which aspect of our project. Anybody have any specific requests? Or suggestions?


  1. I'm not exactly sure how we should divide things up but we also have to discuss some topics from our books. If anyone has ideas that would be great :)

  2. I am also not sure how we should divide this up. I don't have time to look this over right now, but I will try to do that later tonight.

  3. Brainstorming....
    One way to split it up:
    a) kitchen safety
    b) researching culture/customs (add in epals)
    c) climate/agriculture (add in virtual tour)
    d) final project - country food fair/bazaar

    Just a thought... If I think of more, I'll throw them in. I won't have time to look at the topics from the books until tomorrow. But I will look into it after my morning class.

  4. Heidi these are really good topics and I'm thinking another one could maybe be computer safety it seems like we keep over killing these topics but they are the things that are all about our project. I think I'm going to start working on mine and I think that I'm going to choose the topic of climate/agriculture and adding in the virtual tour part for the book topic.

  5. Great ideas everyone! I think I will choose the researching culture/customs adding in epals. I'll start working on it and then post my script to see what everyone thinks.

  6. Those sound like great topics. I guess I can do kitchen safety again, but if I can't find any topics from the book to go with it I may need to switch. I will let you know by the end of today if I am going with that topic.

    Do we have to download Audacity? Just wondering...

  7. Michelle - if you need any info or websites for climate/agriculture - let me know... I've done my last two LP around that - actually, I did my digital on it too. lol!! Time for a change! =)
    I'll do mine on the culmination project then....country fair/bazaar, etc.. (it's the one that's left). I have zero idea what I will use from the book - but I will figure it out. I'm going back through the book now and nothing is really "zapping" me. I plan to work on my script as well over the weekend. I will post it here when I'm done as well.

  8. I was just wondering how everyones scripts were coming along. I have a rough draft, but I am not sure if I am doing it right. Are we speaking to other educators or the students? Also, I was wondering what order these are going in. I was thinking kitchen safety could be third. I would post my script, but it is a really really rough draft right now. Still needs a lot of work.

  9. Corey mine is the same way and I think we are just speaking factual to a general audience...what I was thinking we should do is post our rough drafts and then maybe edit them together that way we can all make sure they flow together well..maybe start a new blog post and not have it be under all these comments...idk just a suggestion

  10. I think they are supposed to speaking as though we are sharing the project with "parents and others" (according to the assignment details). I'm having a really tough time integrating stuff from the book... and therefore am having problems filling in holes in my script. I am hoping to clear my plate this evening and tomorrow to wrap up my rough draft and then post it for review. Michelle - I agree - new post (Corey already started one I believe) just for script review is great.

  11. Heidi if you could give me know what websites you used for the website saftey that way i dont have to look up my own. Thank you soo much!! :D

  12. I am going to use assessments, online gradebooks, etc... (the chapter we are doing for this week) - I think it makes sense because my topic is the culminating product of the whole project, with the food fair.

    Michelle - I didn't do website safety - I did climate and agriculture (but only used agriculture for my digital story which covered both climate and agriculture). I will pull the websites from my hot list (which is on a different computer of course) and post them here for you - but they are all climate related.

  13. oh haha ok...and im using Wikis and wikispaces and online communities....
