Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Script Rough Draft

Ok.... Here's mine as well. This one is the final part of the project. Please be honest and let me know of any changes that you can see it needing. =) Thx!


And now we have come to the culmination of our “Around the World” project, the “Country Cuisine Fair”. This will be a chance for the class to share everything they have learned in this project.

The students will create a video report on their country. They will utilize Google Documents to create a script for the video as a group. This video report will cover their research and findings about their chosen country, the climate in that country and the agriculture grown in that country. The report should move on to discuss the culture of the country. The report will summarize in explaining what impact the climate and agriculture have on the cultures cuisine. It is up to the students as to if they want to make their video fictional, non-fictional, humorous, or serious… as long as they have the factual information covered that was previously mentioned. On the day of the Fair, we will show the videos to the whole class. This will be an actual video, not a digital story or slide show. The more creative the students are with this, the better! It is optional, but students are allowed to bring in and wear costumes representing the culture of the country they chose to research.

After the class has viewed all the videos and had an opportunity to learn about the other countries, each group will present the dish that they chose to make to the class. All students will have an opportunity to try the dishes from each group. A surprise to the class will be our “guest judges”, who are chefs from a few of the local restaurants. They will also taste the dishes, review the recipes and provide critical review for the groups on what they could do to improve the dish, or what they really did well.

When the Fair is over, the teaching staff will conduct video interviews on the students regarding their thoughts on the projects, such as what they liked best, and what they liked least. Students will be asked what they learned and also what they did not learn that they would have liked to. This interview will be used for assessment purposes, but also as a tool for the teaching staff to use for assessing the project itself for improvements in the future.

As with the rest of this project, the student’s assessments will be recorded in an online grade book. The students, as well as their parents, will be able to see their grades, but also notes about why they received the grades that they did.

The recipes that each group made will be collected and put into a book. One copy of the book will stay in the classroom, and each student will receive a copy as a keepsake to remember this experience by.


  1. Looks great! You did a really good job working in concepts from the book!

  2. Heidi- I think it sounds great! I agree with Corey, you did a great job working in concepts from the book. Also, I think it is a great ending to our project.
