Sunday, February 28, 2010

Second Lesson Plan

Hey guys I know this is really early but I just wanted to get the ball going on our second lesson I wanted to post what I'm doing for my lesson right now that way I can just get started right away with this. Anyway for this week our lesson has to be about creating a list in excell and making graphs so for my lesson I am going to have to the students ask the class, from the other country, they are interview during the epals interview what their favorite food is and then compare them with our class choices. I'm thinking that since these kids are from different countries we should give them options to choose from so we can have some what of the same data. For me I'm thinking of using Pizza, Spagetti, fried rice, chicken, and I dont know what else to use....if you guys could think of anything else just let me know.

Have fun guys :D


  1. It also says on our lesson that we should update our concept map.....I'm thinking that maybe we should take out the part in our map that talks about the financial concern only because we dont really ever discuss this in any of our lessons. But its whatever you guys think....CINDY i hope your having a great spring break :D :D

  2. Hi Michelle! I'm having a great break, how about you? I'm not missing math!! Your idea for lesson plan 2 sounds great and goes with your lesson plan 1. I think for my lesson plan 2, I will connect with my lesson plan 1 and do foods served at traditions/holidays. I haven't looked over the concept map but I will, and post my comments. Thanks for getting an early start on it. Hope everyone has a great Spring Break!!

  3. I also think we should take out the objective of history since we dont really ever talk about that in our project,and add on the will require part epals and knowledge of excel or just excel....but whatever you guys think is fine with me

  4. hey guys just wondering how everyone is doing on their lessons and what additional changes you guys are thinking about making to our concept map lol i havent heard from you guys all week lol

  5. I have procrastinated all of my school work for the last day of spring break, so sorry I haven't responded to this earlier. I agree with your ideas for the concept map, Michelle. We could take out history, and add some stuff on communicating with another classroom. That could be connected to the research. We could also add something about local resources to the food item bubble. Who wants sign up and make the changes?

    I'm not sure what to do for my lesson plan yet. I'm not sure if I will tie it in with my first one or not. I'll let you guys know when I have a better idea.

  6. oh goodness guys I got so mixed up with spring break and everything...i soooo thought yesterday was the 14th and freaked out haha because i hadnt heard from you guys haha but nevermind we are all on track and apparently i need to check my planner dates more :D

  7. You guys are serious students!!! =) I am sorry I didn't check in here over the break... I NEEDED the break! ha! I too am planning to tie mine in with my lesson plan 1. Lesson plan 1 for me was already dealing with collecting data about climates, but in that lesson, they were building graphs. I am going to do something about collecting climate data in the various countries for comparison of what grows best in what kind of climate. (home agriculture - which ties in with their "cultural" foods for that area)

  8. I am thinking about doing my lesson on having them choose the countries they are interested in. I am thinking they will survey their class about places they are interested in/want to visit/learn more about. Then they will ask another class in the school the same question. They will graph the data, and use it to help them decide what country to research.

  9. Hey guys, I agree with Michelle and Corey regarding the changes to the concept map. I think my membership (inspiration) has expired since I did the first rought draft. I'll look over the concept map again and check for any more changes or additions.

  10. Couple ideas for the concept map: add agriculture and climate off of agriculture, under topic: country add continent of Europe, under traditions add holidays and connect to food items as served during and maybe under groups add a particular number of students for each group. Also, what about adding kitchen safety and maybe adding a virtual field trip. Just some ideas. Let me know what you guys think. Thanks, Cindy

  11. just checking in.... I'll take a peek at the concept map this evening and touch base either then or tomorrow after class.

  12. Cindy - I don't see Agriculture on the map now (your notes suggest addig agriculture and climate off of agriculture)... I'm wondering - should it be climate off of research (with an about A Country's arrow) and then agriculture off of that climate? I agree we should add kitchen safety. Would that also be under the subtopic Research? I'm not sure where we would put in the virtual field trip??? Would that really be reflected on this? Also, for the Will require additional items..... Michelle had mentioned epals and knowledge of excel. Should we just lump that all under some type of computer lab instruction? I know my lessonplan1 required time in the computer lab working with graphing software. Not sure about anybody elses.... What do you guys think?
    Has anybody took ownership of updating this? I have no problems doing that... as long as I know what the group wants so that I do it specifically that way. Let me know and I will sign up for it and get it rolling.

  13. Heidi- I suggested to add agriculture and climate now to our updated concept map. Putting them under research sounds great. I was thinking about virtual field trip being added because it is something we have learned and could be included in a lesson plan. I thought it would be included on the concept map because the map is an overview of our project-based learning, a project for the classroom kitchen. We don't have to add it, it was just a suggestion. I think adding computer lab with epals and excel sounds great. Good ideas!

  14. Cindy - that's fine! I wasn't really disputing it - just wasn't sure what all the concept map was supposed to entail (how detailed). Do you guys want me to go ahead and do it? I'll check back later today or tomorrow morning to see if there are any further posts confirming that before I jump in. I've got the whole day tomorrow for homework, so there's no problem for me getting it done. I just don't want to jump in if anybody else already has done so.

  15. Heidi- That sounds great, thank you!! I did the first concept map and it says we need someone different to do the others. I appreciate you going ahead and doing it. Thanks again!

  16. Heidi and Cindy, I agree with both of your ideas. Heidi, thank you for offering to do it. I'll check back on here a couple times today, so just let us know if you need any suggestions. Thanks!

  17. I'm almost done with it.... I kind of reorganized it a little, just because we have a better grip of what we are doing now, whereas in the beginning we were all kind of ????. :) I'll post the draft in a bit.
