Thursday, February 4, 2010

Google Map

Hey guys we have to also make a google map for our class project. I would start this but it says a different group memeber, not the one who started the document, has to start this. Also we have to decide on the general region of where are map will be....based on what we have said so far about the project I believe the map is supposed to be the area we are going to have our kids choose their cultures.

Let me know wherer you guys think is the best place for our kids to choose, Im thinking maybe the continents of Africa or Asia only becasue there are lots of countries that the kids could choose from but I am fine with whatever you guys want if someone already had a area in mind.


  1. Hey Michelle, I like either Africa or Asia. I made a comment on our google document about your suggestions. Heidi said she would get our google map started. Thanks, Cindy

  2. Ok... I was thinking more along the lines of a "world" project - but I guess with the guidelines we are being given - that won't work for the map.
    Africa and Asia are good suggestions... but I'm not sure how diverse could we make Africa or Asia?
    Would Europe give us a better variety? Or should I say give the class a better variety? I think it might give a better sampling of the project.. The foods of Italy, Germany, France, etc... are very different from each other and each area definately has it's "signature" food.
    What do you guys think?

    I've played around with Google map this afternoon and it's pretty easy. We can add pictures and videos if we should choose... let me know if you want me to do that and what type?

  3. I created maps for all three countries... I guess we could do more variety than I thought with Asia and Africa. Personally, I would still lean more towards Asia or Europe after looking at the three maps and thinking about the vareiences in quisine and climate (ie agriculture/resources). Let me know what you guys think....

  4. Asia and Europe sound good to me. What exactly do we need to add to the map?

  5. I added our location under "Our Class" in Kalamazoo. Feel free to change the title, or take it out. I thought maybe it should be on the map for perspective.

  6. I'm not 100% certain.... I went through the tutorial, and it gives you an option to add the pointers, as I did (just randomly picked some areas), and we can add pictures or videos. Not sure what kind of videos we could possibly add for this project, but thought perhaps some pictures from those countries. I can always do google images to come up with some. I just need to know which map to work with.....
    Corey - good idea!! I agree - great perspective!

  7. I really like the idea of doing maybe africa or asia and then with europe because your right Heidi their food is sooo much different and we could get a better varitey. I am having trouble figuring out how to edit the map....if you could just let me know how to edit it that would be great. thanks :D

  8. Michelle - I put some editing info in the google doc... also, there is a tutorial in module 4 if my stuff doesn't make sense.

  9. Ok - I have pictures up on both the Asia map as well as the Europe map.

    Please look it over and let me know if you guys think there should be any changes. Also - we have to describe "How it fits together" which I think is pretty self explanatory for this project.... but I can write up a blurb to go along with that as well.
    Again - please review, edit as you see fit and let's get together on which continent to submit. After going through the picture part of this process, I have been reminded that if we go with Asia we would have a wider variety in climates... but Europe would have a wider variety in cuisine ( I think - not sure about asia as a continent on cuisine).
    Let me know....

  10. Heidi, the maps all look great. My vote goes for Europe. I added my thoughts on our google document. Thanks again!!

  11. Whoops I forgot to add on the google document that I think we should go with Europe too because I think for this project we are planning it might be better to go with someplace that has more food diversity. Also, I said to Cindy that I thought we were supposed to write on the blog when we submit our map how it goes along with it, the description but I could be wrong about that so if you guys know just fill me in :)

  12. Europe works for me. There is a lot of diversity in a smaller space, so I think it will work well. Sorry I haven't been as vocal the last couple days, things have been a little hectic. I'll check in tomorrow morning, and help finish up the details. Michelle, I think you are right about the description. Do you want us to help write it in the google doc? Do you have to post the map since you started it?

  13. I'll go ahead and post the google map and a description too. I'll use Europe - kind of sounds like we are all in agreement that this will work the best for this project.

    As far as the google doc goes - I think we need to remove all of our notes to each other before we submit. In reading the Module 4 notes, I think the way we move the document over needs to be from the original document because it will show that we each contributed... In other words, copying the doc and pasting it into a new clean sheet will not work because it will only show one contributor...
