Monday, February 8, 2010

Lesson Plan

Hey guys happy Monday :) haha. I hope you had a great weekend. For this week, we each have to create a lesson plan that covers the all the things listed...I'm a little confused though because she said we each can't do the same lesson plan. However, we only have one project so I'm just a little confused as to how to divide it up, and how to each do different lesson plans. If you guys have some insight let me know, I can think of a lesson plan but I want to make sure we are all on the same page and doing different things.

Thanks :D


  1. The project description says that we have to have a GLCE in our lessons, so I took a look at the fourth grade GLCE's. They main areas of study are the history of Michigan and study of the United States. We may need to switch grade levels to get to international GLCE's. I just glanced over it though, so I could be wrong. I feel like if we can find four different GLCE's that relate to our overall project, we can split it up that way.

  2. Yeah Corey that sounds good to me, I was also a little confused because I have looked further under the module of this assignment and it says we have to make it under kidspiration or inspiration but only one person in our group downloads the free trial....maybe its just me because its been a long day and my brain is fried...which could very well be it :) but I'm still a little confused. So if you guys know exactly what we are supposed to do let me know lol

    thank you so much

  3. Don't feel bad Michelle.... I'm a little frazzled on this one as well!
    I'm going to spend some time this afternoon digging a little deeper into this.

  4. Michelle, we have to use taskstream to create the lesson. That is the program we all had to pay for. I think the kidspiration is used again later on. I also am feeling frazzeled this week, so I might not be able to dig into this until later. I have a huge project due on Thursday that I have to focus on. I'll keep checking in though!

  5. Ok.... I looked a little closer at the assignment description. None of us can do the SAME lesson plan... but it does not say we have to hit different GLCEs or ISTE: National Educational Technology Standards for Students.
    I have been trying to dig into the GLCEs for fourth grade as well as 5th grade (I figure it might be easier to change the grade than the whole project if needed). We MIGHT be able to tie this in to the Science curriculum with 4th grade... Check out the Physical Science (properties of matter - think cooking)), Ecosystems, Science Processes (look at the reflection and social implications - use of technology and collecting data). Some of these may be a stretch... but we could each find ways to tie our lesson plan in with them and still stick with the "big picture". Also - there are always the ELA standards, which we can use many of these areas of the project for.
    * I still have to look at the samples via links on Mod 5 though...

  6. Corey your right I was looking at the wrong module and the kidspiration is for a later one lol....and I have looked all over taskstream and I cant find the area about making a lesson plan, maybe its just me lol. I'm also not sure how you guys want to divide up our huge project into smaller lesson plans that we can each write however you guys want to do it is fine with me...I was thinking may be a research day, a day for the epals web cast part, maybe a day for the actual day of the fair....but I'm not really sure so let me know what you guys are thinking.

  7. I am going to do my lesson plan on initial research of the chosen country in terms of it's climate and utilizing the internet for research. There are some GLCE's in ELA that this will hit on. Then they will graph out the data they have collected. This will hit a GLCE for math...This doesn't quite touch on the food aspect, but will lay down some good initial groundwork for the unit.

  8. Heidi Main said...
    Some info....
    Looking closer at the assignment:
    "create a lesson plan involving online research with hot list, media specialist showing students how to create something in technology, and integration of safe surfing."
    SOOOOO..... looks like all of these lesson plans have to have something to do with surfing on the internet as part of it...
    hope this helps...

  9. ok i was starting to understand this even better but i just read the announcement...i dont know if you guys have yet or not...but im even more confused now...are we supposed to be writing this lesson on our topic or like the announcement says about a secondary classroom??? also there are tons of things in the announcement that she says to add...and we have to do all that right?? lol sorry group i dont know why this seems so confusing but hopefully you guys can help me out.

  10. Hey Guys! I'm going through our assignmnent tonight. It sounds confusing. I will get back to everyone as soon as I've looked through everything.

  11. Michelle -

    Thank you for noting that!! I wouldn't have even seen the announcement!! (she just posted it yesterday!)

    I am going to email her and ask if that was a typo.... it doesn't seem appropriate to do a lesson plan for secondary students... particularly when the GLCE's that are in taskstream are k-8. I'll let you know what I hear back. I honestly would assume that she meant elementary - but better safe than sorry.
    And ladies - you are absolutely right - this lesson IS confusing!! I think once we understand our objectives it will be easier though. Taskstream seems to be pretty easy to work with and very helpful.

  12. i still cant find the template to write our lesson plan in taskstream though...and thanks Heidi I'm glad that I wasnt the only one who say that was was confused lol...yeah let us know what she says and then I think it will be easier. Also I was thinking about doing my lesson on the actual interview with our countries via epals.....if we end up having to make the lesson plan to go along with our project.

  13. Okay, I agree with you ladies this is confusing. I have the same question about secondary or elementary level. In her announcement it says secondary and in the module it says elementary. I'm going to email her as well. Please let me know what you find out and I will do the same. Heidi- you are doing a lesson plan on initial research on a country per climate and Michelle- you are doing a lesson on the interview. Is that right? I was thinking about a lesson plan on the customs/traditions of a chosen country involving research as well. Heidi- you've mentioned GLCE's, will you please tell me where you are finding this information. Thanks, I really appreciate it...Cindy

  14. i also still cant find the lesson plan template on taskstream...have you guys found it a little stressed out considering its thursday and i have yet to start this :/

  15. To get to the template you go to the tab at the top that says Lessons, Units & Rubrics. Then you click on lesson plan builder. Then under choose a format you pick the "TS Basic Lesson." I haven't actually started yet, but I checked out taskstream. I am planning on doing my lesson for elementary, despite what her email says. I think it was a mistake, and the sample lesson is for Kindergarten. I still have no idea what my lesson will be on though. I will be working on this tomorrow afternoon, so I will check in again then. It seems like as long as we include a hot list, a media specialist, and safe web surfing we will be fine. Still not sure about content though...

  16. Thank you so much Corey...for some reason I dont have that tab....I emailed her tonight though so hopfully she gets back to me right away..


  17. Can everyone post what GLCE's they are using so we don't double up? I'm assuming we decided to stick with fourth grade, right?

  18. Ok, so I am having a really hard time finding a content GLCE to relate with all this. I am getting sick and my fuzzy brain doesn't help. Any suggestions? I am feeling pretty lost. The social studies GLCE's really don't apply. And the ELA ones all have to do with research, which has already been covered. I know you all have your own to worry about, but I would really appreciate any suggestions/tips. Thanks!

  19. when you guys use the template you can just find the standards she says to use for this lesson plan and you just go through them and click off which ones apply to your lesson. Then the template creates it for you...I actually found it pretty easy after reading them all and just clicking what I found went with the lesson I am writing about.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. I finally figured mine out. I kind of used the interview part of the project, I was having trouble finding much else. I had them preparing for the interview through research, and creating a graphic organizer. Michelle, let me know if this is similar to yours and I will change mine.

  22. I did mine on the actual interview...and I did a 4 day lesson where for two days they did research on how to conduct an interview and then plan theirs...then the next two days was the actual interview...if you want me to have mine be only 2 days of the actual interview part I can get rid of my first two days so you can keep yours. Let me know.

  23. Is everyone on track now??? It sounds like it... I did receive an email back from her that it's elementary. I assume we all were going that direction anyway, but I promised I would let you know what I heard. I'm trying to wrap my lesson plan up this afternoon. =) I actually really like TaskStream... the assignment was just a little confusing to sort out.

  24. Michelle, it's your call. I feel bad making you change yours. Do you think we could leave them? They aren't the same lesson, just one part is similar. I have to work tonight but I can redo mine tomorrow if you want me to.

  25. Corey, I think we should be ok because your right they are different lessons, but if she does say something I'm sure I could just alter mine and we could explain that we figured they were different lessons. If worse comes to worse I'll take out my first two days out it wont be that hard and I can just talk about how they are using your lesson right before they come into my lesson....just to be safe.
