Monday, February 22, 2010

Movie Maker

I thought I would get the discussion going on the next assignment. It looks like we are working on our own, but we have to coordinate on topics. I haven't really given a lot of thought as to what I would like to do a movie on. Does anyone have any ideas? How should we break apart topics?


  1. I'm still trying to figure out how to exactly make the movie lol but I'm getting there. I was wondering if we had to do the movie like a lesson plan acted out...not with real people but with pictures...or if we were supposed to take a subject content on our project like the samples show...??

    If its with the subject content maybe we could split the info up like cusine, culture, geography, communicating with the other class, and food fair.

    Just some ideas let me know what you guys are thinking

  2. Hey guys- I haven't had a chance to look over the movies or go thru this week's assignment. I will look over tomorrow and get back to everyone.

  3. Good morning ladies! I have tried to watch the sample movies on the blackboard, and keep getting error messages... anybody else experiencing that? I'm a little frustrated because I think this would help answer Michelles question (which I would ask too!)about live movie vs pictures??
    Michelle - I like your idea about splitting the info up into content. Not sure how to get rolling on this.... but I think that's a great place to begin. What do you other ladies think?

  4. I also can not view the movies on the website. I have a Mac, so I thought that was the problem. I was going to get on a PC at school and see if that would work. Has anyone been able to view it?

    I think those sound like good ways to break it up. Who wants what topic? I feel like if we all know what we are working on we can at least start gathering images and information.

  5. I searched for "edt 3470" on Youtube and found a lot of examples. I have a better idea of what to do now, hope it helps! I am going to do mine on Kitchen Safety. I know it doesn't relate to the GLCE's, but it would have to be addressed during this project at sometime.

  6. I think I'm going to do mine on either Web saftey or the food fair...I'm going to do some reasearch on both and see what I can come up with...I'll let you guys know.

  7. Corey - Thanks for the help on that!! I'll check those out later today before I choose a topic. AND - for the record, Kitchen safety - great idea! You're absolutely right... it would need to be addressed. I have a great website for info on kitchen safety with kids/classroom if you want it...

    I'll touch base with you girls later and let you know what I pick, and make sure it's not the same as whatever Cindy picks too.

  8. Hey guys. Good ideas Michelle and Corey! I think I will do culture and do an informational overview of a European country, sort of an introduction to the Around the World project.

  9. Heidi, if you could give me the website that would be great! Are you guys doing non-fiction, or making a story to go along with your topic?

  10. Hey guys- I changed my mind, I'm going to still do culture but instead do an informational overview of a typical Italian meal and the traditional courses served. Italy as a chosen country of Europe. Corey, I'm doing non-fiction. Good luck everyone!

  11. I'm going to do mine a little like Cindys but not the same topic....I'm going to do mine about the brief history of Europe. I'm also doing non-fiction.

    Just wondering exactly how making this works...I think I have it down but I want to make sure...we actually make the whole thing in movie maker??

    Just if you guys could let me know that would be great. Good luck everyone :D

  12. ok nevermind it says exactly how to do it on the :) I also realized I'm not going to do the history of Europe there is soo much instead I think I'm going to the the geography of Europe...I'll let you guys know

  13. OK yet again I am changing my mind on what I'm doing haha it seems that everytime I pick something it has a ton of info and I'm not sure what things to leave out. So I guess what I'm going to do mine on Computer Saftey.

  14. Corey - Here are two. They are not JUST safety stuff... but there are some safety items in there that might help.

  15. I'll do mine on different types of climate.... I'm going to TRY and tie in a little bit about produce/algriculture, but the focus will be on climate differences.

  16. Heidi are you doing yours on the climate differences in Europe...I'm just wondering becasue I'm thinking that me doing mine on computer saftey may not really be related to our topic...what do you guys thing?? If that then I might try to do the major imports of Europe just so it goes along better with our topic.

  17. My climate topic is really more along the lines of climate and it's effect on agriculture. Not particularly Europe - just kind of an introduction to the fact that different kinds of foods can only be grown in certain climates.
