Sunday, February 28, 2010

Second Lesson Plan

Hey guys I know this is really early but I just wanted to get the ball going on our second lesson I wanted to post what I'm doing for my lesson right now that way I can just get started right away with this. Anyway for this week our lesson has to be about creating a list in excell and making graphs so for my lesson I am going to have to the students ask the class, from the other country, they are interview during the epals interview what their favorite food is and then compare them with our class choices. I'm thinking that since these kids are from different countries we should give them options to choose from so we can have some what of the same data. For me I'm thinking of using Pizza, Spagetti, fried rice, chicken, and I dont know what else to use....if you guys could think of anything else just let me know.

Have fun guys :D

Monday, February 22, 2010

Movie Maker

I thought I would get the discussion going on the next assignment. It looks like we are working on our own, but we have to coordinate on topics. I haven't really given a lot of thought as to what I would like to do a movie on. Does anyone have any ideas? How should we break apart topics?

Monday, February 8, 2010

Lesson Plan

Hey guys happy Monday :) haha. I hope you had a great weekend. For this week, we each have to create a lesson plan that covers the all the things listed...I'm a little confused though because she said we each can't do the same lesson plan. However, we only have one project so I'm just a little confused as to how to divide it up, and how to each do different lesson plans. If you guys have some insight let me know, I can think of a lesson plan but I want to make sure we are all on the same page and doing different things.

Thanks :D

Sunday, February 7, 2010


I followed all the steps to publish. I hope you guys don't mind that I went ahead and did it. It looks different than the map, and there is no link. But I think that is how it supposed to work!

Project Description

Our "Around the World" project will be working with 4th grade students. The focus of this project is for students to gain a first hand understanding how different countries are by means of examining the food of the predominant cultures of those areas. First, the students will divide into groups and choose a country. The countries will be based on a general region we as teachers have chosen for them. Second, each group will have a few class periods to brainstorm about what questions they would like to ask the people in their chosen country. Each group will receive a list of a few of the same questions, selected by the teachers, to ask their chosen country. Students will need to research what type of resources are available in this country and how these available resources effect the dishes their culture prepares. The inquiry they prepare will reflect this objective. After each group has their questions ready, the teachers will use epals to contact fourth grade classes from the other cultures. The location of the other students will depend on the country the group selected. During contact, students will ask their questions and take notes on the "interview".  After the "interview," students will have an opportunity for additional questions or follow-up questions, as well as additional independent research to round out their project.  Next, the students will write a small research paper comparing and contrasting the culture they have chosen to our culture.  We will have a class session discussing safety in the kitchen, showing basic kitchen rules and steps.  The students choose a dish that is representative of all the information they have learned about their culture as well as the use of a classroom kitchen.  At the end of this project, the 4th grade classes will conduct a food fair where each group will present the information they have learned as well as the representative dish they chose to cook.  The "Around the World" food fair will invite parents, all students, and other teachers, providing an excellent opportunity for community involvement. 
Here is the list of questions each group will receive:
    1.  What resources are available in your area and how does that affect the things you cook/make for food?
    2.  On a holiday or special celebration, do you serve a traditional meal or side dish?
    3.  What kinds of vegetables or fruits are grown in your area?
    4.  From the available resources in your area, what is used to make your favorite meal? 
    5.  What is the weather like in your area?  Does this effect the agriculture there?
    6.  Are the resources available to you (agriculture) seasonal?  If so - what season(s)?
    7.  What type of food is your area "famous" for in your opinion?


Description/Explanation of map is below as well as "inside" the google map document as well.

This map reflects a sampling of countries that our students will research for our "Around the World" project; a study of culture, climate and agriculture of other countries through cuisine. Our students will be working with students from the subject country via epals. We have chosen to focus on the continent of Europe for this project because it provides a good sampling due to it's variety in culture, climate and cuisine in a rather concentrated area. Utilizing this map will give our students a perspective of where "we" are located, in Kalamazoo, MI USA versus where the countries and the students they are working with, are located. We have highlighted eight countries for this map as suggested countries for this project. It is our hope that through this project, students will gain an understanding and appreciation for people in parts of the world that they may otherwise know nothing about.

edt EUROPE 3470 in a larger map">

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Google Map

Hey guys we have to also make a google map for our class project. I would start this but it says a different group memeber, not the one who started the document, has to start this. Also we have to decide on the general region of where are map will be....based on what we have said so far about the project I believe the map is supposed to be the area we are going to have our kids choose their cultures.

Let me know wherer you guys think is the best place for our kids to choose, Im thinking maybe the continents of Africa or Asia only becasue there are lots of countries that the kids could choose from but I am fine with whatever you guys want if someone already had a area in mind.

Monday, February 1, 2010


I thought I would get the ball rolling on brainstorming for the next assignment. Michelle, thank you for setting up the google folder. It seems like we might need to tweak our project idea a little to fit in to the description. I thought we could do something where they are comparing how local resources effect local cuisine. Students could research what resources are widely available and how they effect what they eat, and then compare with students in other areas. I'm not sure if this would work, but it's all I have right now. I wasn't sure how we could take the idea we started with and have students communicate with students in other areas. Anyone else have any ideas?